Insights from Inspired Getaways

Navigating the intricacies of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding short-term accommodation also known as NDIS STA.

Inspired Getaways, located in Noosa, Queensland, specialise in providing NDIS-approved short-term accommodation across popular destinations like the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Noosa.

This blog aims to offer insights into NDIS short-term accommodation and how it can enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities.

What is NDIS Short-term Accommodation?

NDIS short-term accommodation encompasses a range of temporary housing solutions designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

These accommodations can serve various purposes, including respite for caregivers, an opportunity for independent living experiences, or a holiday getaway.

Eligibility and Funding

To access NDIS short-term accommodation, individuals must be participants of the NDIS with an approved plan.

The plan should include funding for short-term accommodation, which can be used for stays at NDIS-approved properties like those offered by Inspired Getaways.

Benefits of NDIS Short-term Accommodation

Short-term accommodation under the NDIS offers several benefits. It provides a change of scenery and a break from the usual routine, which can be refreshing and rejuvenating.

It also allows individuals to experience different environments and develop independence, while caregivers can take a much-needed break.

Inspired Getaways’ Approach

At Inspired Getaways, we offer more than just accommodation; we provide experiences. Our properties are situated in some of Queensland’s most scenic locations, offering access to a variety of activities and experiences.

We understand the importance of personalized service and tailor our accommodations to meet the specific needs of each guest.

NDSI STA Visit to the botanic gardens

Making the Most of Your Stay

To make the most of an NDIS short-term accommodation stay, it’s important to plan ahead.

This includes understanding the specifics of your NDIS funding, discussing your needs with the accommodation provider, and exploring what activities and experiences are available in the area.

Our Commitment to Quality and Comfort

Inspired Getaways is committed to providing high-quality, comfortable, and accessible accommodation options. Our properties are designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring a hassle-free and enjoyable stay for all our guests.

Understanding NDIS short-term accommodation is key to unlocking a world of opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

At Inspired Getaways, we are dedicated to providing exceptional accommodation experiences that align with NDIS guidelines, ensuring that our guests have memorable stays in some of Queensland’s most beautiful locations.

Interested in exploring the possibilities of NDIS short-term accommodation?

Contact Inspired Getaways to discover how we can help you plan your perfect getaway in Queensland.

To see what our current clients are saying visit our Facebook page or our Google Business page to read reviews, and see additional photos of the accommodation & activities you can participate in on your trip.

Customer reviews

We value all our clients and love it when we get feedback that we can share with others :)

My stay was very well organised and suited to my needs. The support staff picked me up from home, were very helpful and great company to be with. I came home very refreshed after a wonderful week and would recommend Inspired Getaways to anyone considering time away for respite”

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Narelle G